Moving Services Back Inside – May 24, 2020

Sunday, May 24th, Old Lea Bethel will meet inside our building. We’ll start with Sunday school at 9:45 and worship at 11:00 am. This week, a team will clean the church thoroughly, wiping down surfaces and sanitizing. Sanitizer stations will be available. Masks are not required, but will be made available. We will add chairs to aid proper distancing and will discourage personal contact such as handshakes and hugs. Other measures are being set in place to diminish risk. While precautions are being taken, we also understand that there are some that have higher risk, high risk family members, or think it too early. Respecting this, we’ll continue our Facebook Live stream, YouTube uploads, and website posting. We’ll have a speaker in the parking lot, for any who are more comfortable staying in their vehicle. Our effort is to provide the Gospel, while recognizing that this is a time where one size definitely does not fit all. We respect each person’s ability to decide their best way to worship. As throughout this time, we continue to encourage those who feel sick or feel they may place others at risk to use one of the remote methods to worship. Respectfully in Christ’s Service, Richard

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