Church Events – September 24, 2023

Sign-up sheet for pre-order Stew in entry way
Sep 29 – Widow’s Bible Study – 2 pm
Oct 01 – Communion during worship
Oct 01 – Choir Practice – 4:30 pm
Oct 06 – First Friday Fellowship – Olive Garden Danville – Meet to ride 10:45, 11:30 reservation
Oct 08 – Pastor Appreciation Sunday
Oct 08 – Choir Practice – 4:30 pm
Oct 15 – Homecoming – Rev Bobby Tate – Covered Dish to Follow
Oct 22 – Gideon Speaker during worship
Oct 27 & 28 – Potato Peeling & Fall Stew
Oct 29 – Quarterly Business Meeting – 6 pm
Nov 10 – Veteran’s Meal in Fellowship Hall– 6 pm
Nov 19 – Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal
Dec 15 – Christmas Caroling – 6 pm
Dec 17 – Christmas Program – 6 pm

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