Church Announcements – September 06, 2020

VBS Shirts for sale – $10 – in Fellowship Hall
Appalachian Backpacks – Let’s pack the sack
Tools for Schools – collecting for teachers and children – see Olivia for details
Operation Christmas Cheer – details soon!!!
Sep 07 – Labor Day – Remember Jesus!
Sep 12 – Men’s Fellowship Breakfast – 8:00 am – we will work around the church in preparation for Homecoming and the Stew!
Sep 13 – 4th Annual Fellowship Sunday – stay for BBQ! Bring baked beans, slaw, potato salad, and desserts! We will have it set up for safety.
Sep 19 – Church Revitalization (respond by 9/10)
Sep 27 – Gideon Speaker
Oct 11 – Homecoming – Bobby Tate to speak
Oct 23 & 24 – Potato Peeling & Fall Stew
Nov 1 – Business Meeting – 6:00 pm

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